Wednesday, December 19, 2012

2013=Health! Let's Do It Together!

Can you believe another year has gone by?  “Time flies” isn’t just a cliché saying, it’s so true.  2012 has brought so many unexpected adventures and life-changing experiences to my life.  I am so excited to get back to blogging so I can share everything I learned this last year.  

With everything going on in our world today, I want to take this time to slow down, be thankful for loved ones, and be hopeful for the future.  It’s almost a new year and with that comes the feeling of a new start.  We all need it, even if our last year was wonderful.  Fresh starts are always rejuvenating.

As part of the New Year, many people will give up chocolate, start new diet and exercise routines, and set huge goals in attempt to lose weight.  Here is my advice when writing up that Healthy New Year’s Resolution list: 

Focus on being healthy, not losing weight.  Look at the food you eat as nutrients, not calories.  Eat food that will give you the most nutrients.  Changing the perspective of how you view food can make a world of difference.

* Find a workout that’s fun.  You won’t stick with it if you find it tedious or boring.  Remember that playing tennis, riding bikes, or running around with your child at the park all count as exercise. 

* Love yourself.  Emotions have a great impact on your health and weight.  Healthy emotions matter just as much to your overall health goal as eating healthy and exercising.  Smile , it’s contagious. (I’m smiling just writing this!)

Don’t give up chocolate.  Switch to the darkest chocolate you can find and eat a small piece daily.  It will satisfy your craving and won’t hurt a thing! ( unless, of course, you have diabetes or a health condition where chocolate and sugar are not advisable)

Think Health for 2013.  Let’s create a world of healthy minds and bodies.  Get healthy and motivate others to do the same.  It will feel great, I promise!  Have a wonderful Holiday Season!

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